Life is funny isn't it. Having lived for over 40 years now I am well used to ups and downs, periods of hardship and periods of energy when everything seems to flow more readily. I have learnt over time not to chase the highs too relentlessly so that the lows are less pronounced. In relation to my little business that is disco dressage, the patterns are similar. I have pockets of excitement and definite forward momentum, interspersed with more challenging times when I often question my life choices. Rhythm is important, keeping the regularity of effort consistent whatever is going on emotionally or environmentally. There are parallels with training dressage. Jenni, my coach from Stable Foundations Hub+ talks about this all the time. She's right. Always go back to the rhythm. It's the bedrock.
That said, when something good happens, I do get a burst of energy and am enlivened all over again. I can launch forward with a burst of impulsion to rival a Grand Prix canter. That could be a rider simply booking an event, some positive feedback or something leftfield which happened this week twice in one day with unexpected contact from bigger organisations who have noticed what I'm doing. Oh the joy. I will lean into the optimism and the feedback loop that these interactions provide. It's hard working solo as I don't share these moments with colleagues, instead I share on my socials and with beleaguered family members who are on this journey with me.
Through the Winter I was really lucky to have some coaching from a professional outside of the equestrian industry who works for a well-known FMCG brand. Her insight has really helped me sharpen my focus, adjust my goals and appreciate where I am at right now in this moment. The reason I created disco dressage was to bring some joy to riders and coaches where I saw an absence of it. That is still the reason and it's still bringing the joy. The more I can share that the better, as hard as it can feel sometimes without big marketing budgets or even team mates to bounce off. Charge forth I will. Some days it's more like a gentle amble and that's ok too. Just keep the rhythm. 1-2-3-4....1-2-3-4....
